Monday, February 24, 2014

Zwolle Conference

Zwolle Bible Conference 

We just got back from conference in Zwolle, Holland  
(De Deur, Zwolle, Netherlands). 
This is our new conference center, and the 1st one for us.  It was like coming home!  So nice to be with people that are like minded.  A very refreshing week. 
Met so many new people and got to hang out with old, (old?) friends! 

At conference, all preaching and testimonies are in English with a Dutch translator on stage and many more languages translated with headphones in the back. English being the most common second language. Most here speak at lease two, if not more!!!!

(Bottom L) Pastor Aaltonen, Lithuania testifying. (Bottom C) Pastor Sullivan, Ireland preaching am seminar.
Who would have ever thought that a place like Cape Cod, MA* could have such world
impact for Christ!
Monday afternoon, having coffee and ran into all of these familiar faces!
*The Sullivan's in Ireland, their daughter Carly, married Desmond Burghard, and along with their cute, too good! baby Jason, pastor in Holland,  Of course Us now in Croatia  and the Aaltonen's in  Lithuania. (The pretty smiling face, familiar to some, is Jurate Kunca, she is from LT and alone w/ her hubby they assist the Aaltonen's.)

In and around Zwolle, Netherlands Feb2014

so Thankful for conference 


  1. It was so great having you guys here!
    We are already looking forward to seeing you again at the next one :)

    xo Carly

  2. awww, I'm already missing you! (and the chocolate spoons!) What a treat that we could all be there together. Talk to you soon.
